Giant Naked Donald Trump Statue Sparks MAGA Fury: 'Despicable'

Conservatives have voiced strong criticism of a 43-foot-tall nude effigy of Donald Trump that was erected over the weekend along Interstate 15 near Las Vegas.

An anonymous representative for the artist, whose identity remains undisclosed, informed Las Vegas' News 3 that the sculpture, titled "Crooked and Obscene," weighs 6,000 pounds and is constructed from foam and rebar.

Notable MAGA influencers quickly condemned the sculpture on social media, labeling it in poor taste. User @MJTruthUltra, a Trump supporter with 369,000 followers, described it as a manifestation of "TDS" (Trump Derangement Syndrome), asserting on X (formerly Twitter): "These people are despicable ..."

The Wrap reported that the effigy will tour across the United States as part of the "Crooked and Obscene Tour." According to the tour's unnamed organizers, the decision to portray Trump nude was "intentional," aiming to make a bold statement on transparency, vulnerability, and the public personas of political figures. They hope to provoke thoughts on the "transparency—or lack thereof—in politics" and encourage viewers to critically evaluate political influence.

Another prominent conservative account, @dom_lucre, with 1.5 million followers, characterized the sculpture as a reflection of leftist political tactics. He posted on X: "Liberals placed a 43-foot naked statue of President Donald Trump near Kamala Harris's Las Vegas rally. This is the left." His video of the sculpture garnered over 10.4 million views by Tuesday morning.

MAGA influencer @ArmedPatriot45 expressed that the statue illustrates a double standard in American politics, where he believes the left can harshly criticize the right without consequence. "Behold, a 43-foot-tall nude Trump statue was put up on Interstate 15, near Las Vegas, just before Kamala Harris was set to hold a rally there!" he wrote. "If a similar statue in effigy was created of Kamala Harris, it would be plastered 24/7 on fake news, Leftists would cry foul, and the country would come to a halt, but since it's about President Trump, it's apparently no big deal!"

This sentiment was echoed by fellow MAGA influencer @Bubblebathgirl, who asserted on X: "If a similar statue was done of Kamala Harris, the country would shut down."

The Nevada Republican Party released a statement on Monday denouncing the statue as "deplorable." They stated, "While families drive through Las Vegas, they are forced to view this offensive marionette, designed intentionally for shock value rather than meaningful dialogue."

The statement continued, "President Trump and Republicans are focused on delivering results that matter—reducing inflation, securing our borders, creating jobs, and ensuring a brighter future for all Americans. Meanwhile, Democrats, especially Kamala Harris, continue to prioritize shock value over substance. President Trump is the only candidate in this race standing up for working men and women across Nevada."

Newsweek reached out to the federal highway administration on Tuesday via email to inquire whether the artist had received permission for the statue.

This is not the first time Trump has been depicted in the nude. In 2018, U.K. activist Leo Murray created a naked "Trump Baby" balloon that flew over London during Trump's visit.

While the creators of "Crooked and Obscene" remain anonymous and there is no evidence linking the sculpture to the Democratic Party, many conservative figures have attributed the fierce Democratic rhetoric to this year's two failed assassination attempts on Trump.

In contrast, Trump has used his own social media accounts to share inflammatory artwork depicting Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. In March, he reposted a video showing a Trump-supporting pickup truck adorned with a decal that depicted Biden tied up and gagged in the truck bed, suggesting an abduction scenario.

In August, leading up to the Chicago Democratic National Convention, Trump shared an AI-generated image of Kamala Harris on stage under a hammer and sickle flag, with an audience dressed in Mao suits and the word "Chicago" glowing in red over the crowd.


  1. TDS = Trump Does Suck!!!

  2. So
    Let’s put one up of Kamala
    on her knees doing what she does best. After all it’s the only track record of performance she has

    1. Said the man with a tinier dick

  3. The “only I can solve it” king wears no clothes. Who will tell him…who?

  4. The emperor has no clothes!

  5. Only “women” who support Trumpass are in dire need of having their pu::ies grabbed. Watch your daughters!! What a sick bunch.

  6. And again Trump is crying, & crying, and crying

  7. And if anyone else other than Trump spoke to women the way he does they would not just get away with it, double standards, my only worry would be the ugly distraction might cause accidents 😂🤣😅

  8. "While families drive through Las Vegas, they are forced to view this offensive marionette, designed intentionally for shock value rather than meaningful dialogue."

    Yes, what trump does, lie about everything, spread hate and division, grovel at Putin's feet, etc. is "designed intentionally for shock value rather than meaningful dialogue."

    1. The piece is intended to create a reaction, one most certainly of disgust, and a sense of uneasiness. Art, at times, will undoubtedly create a powerful reaction, a reaction which will lead people to talk, which is good. Criticism and controversy is what Donald Trump thrives on, hence, the piece is befitting of the man it depicts. Look how many people have commented thus far.

  9. A naked trump? Mega-gross! Can't think of anything more guaranteed to make my bile rise.

  10. It’s about time orange boy gets a helping spoonful of what he dishes out. Tough crap Donnie!

    1. Let's do the simple addition on donny's well documented life long inglorious acts of vengeance, deceit, cruelty, selfishness, and sedition. Some then conclude that a naked marionette of the man is offensive , but the man himself is not?! As well, when was the last time your petulant, bullying, stuck in the 5th. grade boy heard engaging in meaningful dialogue? Jeezus, I hope you people don't have children ... unfortunately, we know you do. To leave a stink behind you as a legacy should be seen as an embarrassment.

    2. You got that right.

  11. Criticism from the crowd that goes around with "Let's Go Brandon" shirts, signs and bumper stickers. What goes around comes around! The MAGA crowd loves to dish it out, but can't take it. What a bunch of hypocritical whiners...just like DJT.

  12. Actually, the statue is flattering. In the flesh, the orange baby is much more obese. They should have inserted a giant balloon with some foul smelling gaseous substance to remind everyone of his nauseous flatulence

  13. This is totally disrespectful and despicable. Never has a President or former President been treated like he has in the history of our country. Even by people who didn't like him. I strongly disagree with many of his policies but people should have some decency - obviously those that erected this so-called "art" have absolutely no respect or class - if not for him for the office.


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