G-7 actions: risking greater conflict with Russia

The government, people, and political elite of Pakistan seem largely unaware that the Russia-Ukraine war is taking a dangerous turn. During the recent G-7 summit in Italy (June 13-15, 2024), the coalition of the world's wealthiest and most resourceful countries made critical decisions that could escalate the conflict.

 The G-7 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States), while enjoying Italy's renowned hospitality, decided to allow Ukraine to use US and Western arms, ammunition, drones, robots, missiles, and other weaponry to launch attacks within Russia.

 They also agreed to unfreeze $50 billion of Russian assets, primarily held in Europe, which had been frozen following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This funding is intended to support Ukraine’s war efforts, including repaying the US and other Western countries for military supplies.

These significant and sensitive decisions risk provoking a violent response from Russia, which may resort to desperate measures to protect its interests.

 Russia could intensify military operations in Ukraine, launching large-scale offensives targeting major cities and critical infrastructure.

 Additionally, it might deploy its sophisticated cyber warfare capabilities to launch widespread attacks against critical infrastructure in Ukraine, the US, and Europe, disrupting power grids, financial systems, communication networks, and other essential services.

Russia might also consider using tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield in Ukraine to force a swift and decisive victory, though this would likely provoke a massive international response with catastrophic consequences.

It could target Western supply lines and logistics hubs in NATO countries providing military aid to Ukraine, using missile strikes or sabotage to disrupt the flow of weapons and supplies, and potentially targeting NATO allies in Eastern Europe, such as Poland or the Baltic states, to escalate the conflict into a broader regional war.

Beyond direct military actions, Russia could engage in economic warfare by cutting off energy supplies to Europe, shutting down pipelines, or disrupting energy exports, severely impacting European countries dependent on Russian energy.

Covert operations and proxy warfare could also increase, with Russia supporting insurgent or terrorist groups within Europe and the US to create instability.

 Diplomatically, Russia might strengthen alliances with countries opposed to US and European policies, such as China, North Korea, and Iran, forming new economic or military alliances to counterbalance NATO and the G7.


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