U.S. Soldiers 'Fired Pepper Spray' At Migrants Crossing Mexico Border


U.S. soldiers have reportedly used pepper spray against migrants attempting to cross the Mexico-U.S. border, according to a human rights organization. This follows reports from August indicating that migrants trying to cross into Texas have been subjected to harsh tactics, such as being pushed into razor wire or shot at with pepper balls by law enforcement officers involved in Governor Greg Abbott's Operation Lone Star.

Operation Lone Star, a $11 billion initiative launched in 2021, was developed in response to what Abbott describes as the Biden-Harris administration's weak stance on illegal immigration and border security. Under this program, the Texas National Guard has allegedly fired pepper spray projectiles—small balls filled with irritants—at migrants, including women and children, who were not posing a threat, according to Human Rights Watch.

Texas National Guard personnel are advised under their own guidelines to avoid firing pepper balls directly at individuals and to use only necessary force. These non-lethal weapons, resembling paintball guns, are designed to irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, and they can fire up to 180 rounds per cartridge.

In one incident on September 7, three witnesses reported seeing a Texas National Guard member shoot pepper spray projectiles at a migrant near Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas. The migrant, who was in or near razor wire on U.S. soil, did not appear to be acting in a threatening manner. According to witnesses, the projectiles caused the migrant to collapse, and no assistance was provided by the soldiers involved. 

Bob Libal, a Texas consultant for Human Rights Watch, condemned these actions and called for increased oversight of the Texas Military Department. He urged the Texas legislature to deny further funding until these abuses cease. 

Witnesses observing from Mexico were unable to directly reach U.S. emergency services and had to ask others to call 911. One witness, Josie Rodrigues, described the event as disturbing, stating, “It looked like they were aiming at the person, not at the ground or around them."

The Texas National Guard and Governor Abbott's office have not yet commented on these allegations. Democratic State Senator Royce West has criticized the tactics as "cruel," asserting that Texas taxpayer dollars should not fund human rights violations. He emphasized the need for comprehensive immigration reform, noting that the issue of border security has persisted under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Meanwhile, the Texas Military Department has defended the use of pepper balls, with officials stating that force should be minimal and proportional. Soldiers are trained not to aim directly at individuals. Operation Lone Star, which deploys state resources to the Texas-Mexico border, continues to be a polarizing initiative, receiving both support and criticism for its handling of illegal immigration. Proponents argue it enhances border security, while opponents raise concerns about its effects on communities and resources.
