Donald Trump Is Losing Veterans' Votes. Here's Why | Opinion


After 9/11, I served as a Navy SEAL in combat, leading with honor, selflessness, and dedication to the Constitution. We fought and some of us died defending those principles. This is why I strongly oppose Donald Trump’s candidacy and urge every American to do the same. He stands in stark contrast to the values that united my brothers and sisters in arms. His disregard for the Constitution, and his disastrous time as commander-in-chief, prove that he is unfit to lead the greatest military in the world.

I particularly urge Republican voters to recognize Trump for what he is. I come from a rural background, I own firearms, and I share frustrations with the excesses of the progressive left. But these issues pale in comparison to the damage a second Trump term could bring: greater domestic division, increased global instability, and an endless spectacle of chaos. Just look at his track record:

January 6 and "The Big Lie": Trump lost the 2020 election but continues to spread false claims that he won. He was the first president in U.S. history to refuse to concede and failed to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. His call to incite a mob to attack the Capitol was one of the darkest moments in American history. Even during the Civil War, Confederate flags never flew over Capitol Hill. Trump attempted a coup, even if poorly executed.

Mishandling of Classified Information: Trump took Top-Secret documents from the White House and stored them in boxes at his Mar-a-Lago estate. This led to criminal charges, as any military member or federal employee in such a situation would face prison time.

No Accountability: When SEAL Ryan Owens was killed in a botched mission in Yemen, Trump avoided responsibility, blaming "the generals" and turning Owens' death into political theater during the State of the Union.

Admiration for Dictators: Trump has repeatedly praised authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. The U.S. military exists to protect the world from dictators and war criminals. Trump’s affinity for them disqualifies him from leading that force.

Disrespect for Service and Sacrifice: Trump has mocked the military, calling fallen soldiers "suckers" and "losers," and has shown disdain for veterans. He evaded military service during Vietnam by faking bone spurs and even described his sexual escapades as his personal Vietnam. He has continually shown a lack of respect for the men and women who serve our country.

Enough is enough. Veterans, a voting bloc of 17 million, are rising up against Trump. While we’ve traditionally supported Republican candidates, polls show a shift, especially among post-9/11 veterans and active-duty personnel. This opposition has been growing since 2016, with veteran protests against Trump documented in 25 states.

After leaving the Navy and starting a new career as an emergency medicine doctor, I found Trump’s behavior so alarming that I invested $500 and founded Veterans for Responsible Leadership. Our organization seeks to promote integrity and rational thought in politics. In the last election, we highlighted Trump’s dereliction of duty with a viral video, endorsing candidates—mostly veterans—from across the political spectrum.

This year, we’ve used small-dollar donations to fund billboards in Trump-voting counties in swing states, aiming to spark thought among rural MAGA voters.

Veterans like me understand that our oath to defend the Constitution never expires. We are taking action. In partnership with the progressive group Common Defense, we sought a pledge of election integrity from Lara Trump in North Carolina. She declined, and we were ejected from the state GOP convention.

Every U.S. president before Trump had either military or political experience, and while many had flaws, none lacked the leadership, selflessness, and honor Trump has demonstrated. America’s veteran community knows that he shares nothing in common with the millions who have shed blood on battlefields across the world. And come November, we believe the consequences will be clear.

Dan Barkhuff is the president and founder of Veterans for Responsible Leadership. He is an emergency medicine physician, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and the U.S. Naval Academy, and an ex-Navy SEAL with eight years of service and combat deployments.
